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Week commencing 7th March 2022 - Lindfield.

Week commencing 7th March 2022 – Lindfield.

Welcome to our American Blog

It has been another fun packed week at The Acorns

We have enjoyed learning lots about The United States of America.

We started the week by colouring in Flags.

Did you know there are 50 stars on the flag and each star represents a state.

We worked really hard on the flags and spent a long time colouring in each stripe.

The teachers have displayed them in the nursery, they look brilliant !

We had a very special Facetime call with Ember, Leo, and Alice who live in Florida.

We asked them lots of questions.

It was a great surprise when Mickey Mouse popped onto the call to say hello

Thank you so much to Margaux and Embers Daddy for hosting our call.

We made beautiful Dream catchers – the children concentrated really well as they threaded the wool through the holes to make pretty patterns.

“I am going to hang it up in my bedroom”

“I think it will catch bad dreams”

“I only have nice sweet dreams”

Mrs Franks told us about her trip to America, she travelled from a place called Orlando, which is in Florida to a place called Miami and then to Key West.

On the journey, she went on a special boat trip on the everglades to look for Alligators.

The air boat was super fast and had a huge propellor on the back.

She showed us photos of alligators and even one of her holding a baby one.

Miss Netley told the children a funny story about when she held an alligator … I wonder if the children will remember what happened?

Miss Netley is getting married in April and will be visiting Hawaii on her honeymoon, which is also an American state.

We ate lots of yummy food this week and the children helped out in the kitchen when we cooked.

They helped to make pizza on Monday, making a dough, rolling it out and putting on their favoutite toppings.

We would love to know what their favourite foods are at home so we can add them to next terms menu.

Please leave us a comment to let us know.

We learnt a little bit about the Kennedy Space centre – NASA.

We made our very own rockets in the garden using huge sheets of cardboard.

We used chalk to decorate them and then Mrs Young cut them into rocket shapes for us.

It was fun zooming around the garden pretending to be astronauts flying to the moon.

Sunshine - Lots of garden time exploring the mud kitchen, pirate ship and admiring the sea of daffoldils that have recently grown

Next week we are visiting Iran

We will be celebrating the Iranian New Year which falls on the 20th of March – Nowruz.

Rose’s family will be joining us in Lindfield each day for fun games and activities, cooking and playing.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


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