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"Children have limitless opportunities to explore, investigate and experience new things and make rapid progress from their developmental starting points." - Ofsted Report 2019 - 59 Denmans Lane.


​Outstanding Ofsted Reports in 2011, 2013 and 2019 - 59 Denmans Lane. 



"The owner, manager and staff build superb relationships with all children. Their wonderfully nurturing approach helps children to feel exceedingly happy, secure and settled. Staff value children's individuality extremely highly and are completely attentive to their every need. Children flourish and feel completely at home in the nursery.  The manager and staff assess children's learning meticulously. Children have limitless opportunities to explore, investigate and experience new things and make rapid progress from their developmental starting points."

Ofsted Report 2019 - 59 Denmans Lane

Ofsted Report 2013​



"Staff engage children in many conversations and children excitedly talk about what they are doing. They select from an excellent range of creative media as they make sheep, inspired by a recent outing to the farm. They discuss how sheep keep warm by wearing a woolly coat, what they eat and how they live together in a flock. Children giggle when staff ask them if sheep lay eggs - 'No, ducks lay eggs' comes their reply. This demonstrates that children feel totally comfortable in the care of the staff."

Ofsted Report 2011



"Children's behaviour is exemplary, and they demonstrate excellent social skills of sharing and taking turns. Furthermore, children's emotional well-being is truly fostered. On arrival at the setting, the children choose 'feelings clips' as they self-register to let the staff know how they are feeling. Staff discuss with the children about why, for example, they are happy or sad."

Ofsted Inspection Reports


Early Year's Registration inspection report 2013

Inspection EYR inspection report 2011

Combined care inspection report 2004

 Inspection Report 2019 

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