Week commencing 21st March 2022 - Lindfield.
Welcome to our blog post.
This week we explored Switzerland.

We had such fun learning about the mountains, lakes, foods and traditions.
Did you know that the flag is square and not rectangle?
(Mrs Franks didn't know this until after our flag making activity - so please excuse the rectangular paper - every day is a learning day)

We used red paint and a rolled up cloth to 'sponge' our paint. It was super messy and great fun.

We sampled some scrumptious Swiss food this week.
Fondue, Racklette and a Swiss style buffet.
The children loved dipping their food into the melted cheese.

The Potato and Bacon Racklette went down so well that we think we will add it to our menu again.
We might even try a chocolate fondue one day as a special treat.
We had fun dressing up in traditional clothing.
Dirndl Dresses and Lederhosen !

Mrs Harsent kindly brought us in some costumes to wear and a very special bear.

Can they children tell you about what the bear can do ?
It can yodel !!
We did some yodelling too - it was such fun - There are some videos on our Facebook and Insta Pages.
We enjoyed lots of time in the garden this week, the weather was glorious and we enjoyed painting, planting and lots of playing in the sunshine.
We also went for a walk to the local park.
Bug hunting was fun.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our week.
We are still asking for reviews to be left on Daynurseries.co.uk
Thank you to the parents who have left reviews this week, we really appreciate it.
Happy Mothers Day on Sunday !!
See you next week when we will be exploring Kenya.
Monday is Safari Day - please come dressed for a safari adventure (wear hats)
We are on the look out for as many kitchen roll tubes as possible - please ask friends and neighbours too.
Thanks for supporting us in all we do. We appreciate you !!!