Week commencing 10th July 2023 - Acorns 59
Wow !
What a wonderful and busy week we have had at The Acorns.
Mrs Franks and Mrs Irwin both had their personal childminding OFSTED visits this week.
Thank you to everyone who sent in testimonials.
We won’t receive our reports for a few weeks but are pleased to say the visit went very well and we met with all the requirements. WOOOHOOOO !!
We enjoyed a wonderful family picnic on Wednesday and were so pleased with such a great turnout of parents, grandparents and siblings.

We have never done one before in Lindfield - it was such a success that it will remain a date in our calendar.
Thank you to everyone who came along, we hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did.
We took over a huge grassy area with our picnic blankets and chairs and had lots of fun in the park too.
We were having such a lovely time that we forgot to take many photos !!
Thank you to Arthurs Mummy who kindly shared some pics on The Acorns WhatsApp Group.
We have spent lots of time in the garden this week and have managed to dodge the summer showers mostly.
The Acorns garden is bursting with flowers and its such a joy to be outside.

The tadpoles are quickly turning into froglets … we had 6 more frogs this week.
They have all gone to live in Sienna’s pond now – Thank you so much for rehoming them into such a lovely environment.
We have become quite fond of our little acorns tadpoles and this is the first year for a long time that we have successfully managed to see the process all the way through to frogs!!

A week full of excitement and refection as we say goodbye.
We say goodbye to some families who are moving onto other settings & moving out of area.
We wish you all the very best and hope you keep in touch to let us know how you are getting on.
We say goodbye to Mrs Spencer and Mrs Harsent who both leave us to pursue new challenges.
We thank them for all they have done at The Acorns and wish them the very best of luck in their new roles.

Our School Leavers –
We have reflected on how much the children have grown and developed during their with us and we are confident that they leave us with the skills they need to start their school journey.
We wave them off with great sadness but with the knowledge that we have done our very best to give them a really good start in their learning journeys.
Some of these children have been in our lives for years, some 5 days a week, 10 hours a day , some that we have had siblings also pass through the doors at The Acorns and we have known them since being just bumps … We will miss you all so much.
We hope your time at The Acorns has been as special as you are.
Goodbye little superstars !
Please come to visit us in your uniforms and send us updates on how you are getting on.
We ended the week with party for our leavers and had such fun.
Baking, cake decorating, dancing, balloons, music and games.
What better way is there to end the term.

I have to say a huge THANK YOU on behalf of all of the team at The Acorns for all of the lovely cards, gifts, well wishes and hugs we have received this week.
We have been overwhelmed by the kindness, generosity and thoughtfulness shown. THANK YOU !!

Have a wonderful summer everyone !!
Sophie will be keeping an eye on the emails over the summer and checking in every day or two – Also Mrs Franks will be available on Whatsapp.