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Week commencing 8th May 2017 - Lindfield.

Week commencing 8th May 2017 – Lindfield.

Thank you to everyone who came to see us on our Open Day. The children sang some lovely songs for us and everyone had a great morning.

This week we have been focusing on Communication and Language – Understanding. We have been observing how the children follow instructions, understand the rules and boundaries that are set and make sense of the world around them.

On Monday the children who went out walking enjoyed a treasure hunt, they had to find things from Mrs Booth's spotter sheet. They listened carefully to instructions and went off in search of things that were spiky, shiny, soft, fluffy etc.

Whilst out and about they noticed road signs and the children were able to identify many of them. They found a sign with writing on it so they looked carefully at the letters and read what the sign said. The children weren’t sure what an uneven surface was but they soon found out after some exploring.

Throughout the week the children have been taking good care of the plants that are growing in the garden. They understand that flowers, plants and vegetables need sunlight and water to help them grow. We encourage the children to play an active role in caring for the garden and they have been busy watering and weeding this week. Next week we will be planting some sunflower seeds.

We have lots of fun in the garden and have particularly enjoyed playing in the new play house.

"This is the best house ever." "This is awesome." There is a little kitchen inside the house with a picnic set, some dolls, a cosy corner with books and a train set. The children have painted some amazing pictures which we will hang up inside the house. The pictures are bright and colourful and will look great when they are up on the walls.

Some children were having so much in the house that they didn't want to leave, so we had a picnic tea inside.

We also made some collage pictures. The children used sticky glue to attach things like tissue paper, art straws and bottle tops to their artwork. The pictures are fabulous!

We have been practising name writing this week and have spent lots of time learning how to form our letters correctly. Some children traced their name whilst others wrote it independently.

Many children brought board games in to share with the group and we have had to read the instructions and rules so we know how to play. We encouraged the children to share and take turns.

On Friday they children helped to prepare lunch. They made lasagne and a yummy home-made garlic bread. Tasty!

Next week we will be focusing on Understanding the World – People and Communities.

The letter of the week will be ‘Cc’

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