Week commencing 5th October - Westmeston
This week, we have focused on people in our community. We spoke a lot about different people who help us and played a fun guessing game.
"Who would you see if you felt poorly?"
"Who helps us to look after our teeth?"
We came up with lots of people in our community that help us, including Mummies and Daddies!

The children had fun dressing up as various people in the community and the big red fire engine is always a hit!

On our Friday walk, we often wave to the postman as he drives past. This week he stopped to have a chat and we asked him all about his job and how he helps people. He was very happy to tell us about delivering letters, cards and parcels and where he drives his van. The children were all keen to know if he delivers to their houses!

We did lots of lovely activities during our Forest School session with Paulina, including painting with mud and den building.

We went on a scavenger hunt to find some animals in the woods. The children were so excited to find lots of different animals hidden in the trees!
We are not far from completing our first half term at Acorns and we have loved seeing the children forming new friendships with each other.

This week Miss Matthews was back with a wonderful music lesson which the children sang and danced along with. They played all sorts of different instruments and sang songs about the letter of the week - d. The session is wonderful for their listening and turn taking skills and of course, their rhythm and movement.

On Friday, we looked at different leaves we had collected during the week. We used the lightbox to make the leaves really glow. We could see the veins and all the details very clearly. The children also used leaves to do some leaf printing. They were very pleased with their results.

On our walk we found lots of interesting things to look at such as horse prints in the mud and a beautiful red admiral butterfly. The children also enjoyed squelching in the muddy puddles that have started to form on the footpath.

In the afternoon we made wormeries. The children layered sand and soil in a plastic bottle and then topped it off with some dead leaves. Then we had to find worms! This caused a lot of excitement as some of the worms we found were huge! We put the wormeries in a nice damp, dark place to check on next week.

We look forward to seeing you all next week for more muddy fun.