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Week commencing 27th September 2021 - Lindfield.

Welcome to our blog post.

We hope you enjoy reading about our week and we would value your feedback, including what your children have told you about this week, what they have been most excited about or enjoyed.

This week our theme has been - All about me – Oral Health.

Oral Health has been added to the Early Years Framework because it is important that good oral health habits need to be formed from the earliest age.

Tooth decay is largely preventable, but it’s still a very serious problem among many young children.

Nearly a quarter of 5-year-olds in England have tooth decay, with 3 or 4 teeth affected on average.

Did you know that tooth extraction is one of the most common procedures for children under 6 in hospital?

We have had lots of fun exploring this subject and the children have been excited to get involved.

We talked a lot about Oral care routines and most of our children told us they clean their teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed.

“I don’t like spicy toothpaste.”

“I have strawberry toothpaste.”

“Mine is white and blue.”

“My toothbrush has a cap.”

"I like minty toothpaste."

We had some laminated mouths and used whiteboard pens to draw on the teeth … the children used toothbrushes to clean the teeth and make them sparkly again.

In the garden, we used toothbrushes to paint in the tuff spot.

We had a great time mixing together the colours and seeing how the bristles of the toothbrushes could splatter the paint across the paper.

We didn't have enough toothbrushes to go around and everyone wanted to join in - some children used tiny paint brushes instead.

Of course, the clean up was fun too.

We having been learning a new song this week about keeping our teeth clean, have you heard it yet ?

If you head over to our instagram page you can hear some of the children singing it.


We counted our teeth whilst looking in the mirror - Children have ten teeth at the top and ten at the bottom.

How many teeth do grown-ups have?

We spoke about the tooth fairy, visits to the dentist and how healthy food and drinks can help to keep our teeth and gums healthy.

These giant teeth were great fun !!

We used the huge toothbrush to clean the teeth, remembering to scrub the fronts, tops and backs.

At the mark making table, we chose to colour in toothbrushes and toothpastes.

Finley brought in something special to share with his friends.

A crop of corn !

We all had some at lunch time, it was delicious.

Thank you for sharing with us.

He enjoyed telling the children that popcorn is made using corn and the next day he brought in some popcorn to share too.

We enjoyed this at snack time.

Thanks again.

All of this and much much more ....

It has been a brilliant week at The Acorns.

Next week we will be learning about healthy foods and how to keep our bodies in tip top condition.

Please bring in anything you think will be useful.

We will be making a harvest display in the kitchen too so if you would like to bring something in for that we would appreciate it too.

Here are a few more pics from the week.

Have a happy weekend everyone.

See you next week for more fun, games and laughter.


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