Week commencing 20th September 2021 - Lindfield.
Welcome to our blog post.
Our focus for the week was ‘Homes’
We also learnt about recycling as it was National Recycling Week.

Some of the children brought in pictures of their houses.
We enjoyed looking at them during our carpet time talks, noticing thwwirs differences and similarities.
Thank you to those who sent in pictures, we really appreciate you taking the time to support our topic.
We know that some houses are big, some are small, and some are super tall!
We learned new language like ‘bungalow’ ‘Tenement’ ‘Flat’
We played fun games where the children had to sort the rubbish into the correct bins.
Did you know that so many things can be recycled and made into something new.

Junk modelling – We used items from the junk trunk to make houses which are now on display in the nursery.

We made a bug house, collecting twigs and fallen leaves from around the garden.
We know not to pick the leaves from the trees but to collect the leaves that have already fallen off.
In doing so, we noticed that the leaves are beginning to change colour.

Autumn has arrived !
We noticed that a pigeon has made a nest in Mrs Irwins wisteria … its very own little home.
There are two fluffy babies in there – the teachers think it’s quite late in the year for baby pigeons but would welcome your thoughts.
We found a grasshopper on the lawn so decided to move it to a safer place.
There were lots of children running around and we didn’t want it to get squashed.
Where do grasshoppers live?

We had fun building houses using magnets, duplo blocks and stickle bricks.

We set up the dolls house and made our own little world.

We used the mudkichen and play kitchen to create some amazing dishes.
Who is feeling hungry ?

We matched the shapes to the house and used sticky glue to fix the shapes into place.

We potted some house plants and each got to take one home to look after.
They are called spider plants.
One of our Acorns friends brought in the mummy plant for us to look at and we carefully took cuttings from it.

We went for a walk down the lane to visit our friends house, we didn’t go in … just had a look from the outside. We counted the windows and looked at the house number.

We read stories and sang songs about houses and homes.
Ask us to sing the ‘This is where I live’ song.
We hope you have enjoyed reading about our week.