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Week commencing 9th November 2020 - Lindfield.

This week our focus has been on Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

We observed how the children manage their feelings and behaviours.

We saw some children show great empathy towards others who were upset or hurt.

We watched as children celebrated the achievements of their peers.

We were amazed at how the children have (mostly) learned the routines and boundaries of the nursery and how they are beginning to negotiate and co-operate with others.

We feel that most of the children need to practise how to tolerate delay when their needs are not met immediately and this is something we would value your help with from home.

It has been another wonderful week full of fun, games and celebrations at The Acorns.

At the beginning of the week we made some beautiful poppy pictures.

We used apples to make prints on our paper using a bright red paint and then used our fingers to make black spots in the middle. The paintings were wonderful.

Many of the children were able to tell us that we wear poppies to help us remember people who died at war.

“My Daddy has a poppy on his coat.”

“I have a poppy on my bag. A long time ago when it was the war time the people died and then everyone was sad.”

Mrs Irwin wrote a poem for Remembrance Day and we decorated our poems with finger print poppies.

We played some board games which highlight emotions. The children enjoyed making faces to resemble each emotion.

“Look, this is my cheesy happy face.”

“My sad face looks like this. I make my mouth look like a banana.”

“If I feel cross I will do this face.”

We celebrated 2 birthdays this week. Happy Birthday to Niya and Finley!

We also celebrated Diwali – The Festival of Light.

Niya’s Mummy kindly brought us in a book to share with the children at circle time and some little clay lamps for the children to decorate.

We used brightly coloured paints and our fingers to paint our lamps. They looked amazing!!

Happy Diwali Everyone!

We had lots of fun in the garden each day. The climbing frame has been a firm favourite again. We are all getting really good at climbing. We know to hold on tight and to always keep 2 hands on the frame.

We made cakes and pies in the mud kitchen which is getting wetter and muddier each week.

We had a great time on the see-saws and pirate ship too.

Indoors we had fun box modelling - we made masks, helmets, tractors, towers, castles and superhero cars.

We also made some snazzy collage pictures with sequins and sparkles.

We sang some new songs during our music sessions with Miss Matthews. We played the drums and got to have a turn using the guitar.

We used our fingers to strum the strings carefully.

In the child minding time, when it was dark outside we played with torches and had fun searching for the hedgehog that Mrs Franks had hidden somewhere in the piles of leaves.

What a wonderful week!

We hope you all have a fabulous weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week.


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