Week commencing 4th of January - Lindfield
Welcome to our first blog post of 2021!
It has been a delight to welcome back all of the children this week! There has been lots of wonderful stories from the Christmas holidays we have loved sharing with our friends. It was a joy to see them all so happy to see each-other, and how engaged they were with all we have got up to in our first week of the Spring Term.
As always, we have spent plenty of time outside this week. Sliding on the slides, playing in the mud kitchen and imaginative play were all lots of fun - we just had to wrap up very warm! It was magical to see the ice that had formed in places where we keep water. We learned about how ice melted - particularly when we tried to keep it in our pockets...

A good snack outside is always appreciated when we have been playing so hard! We were great at remembering our 'please' and 'thankyou's.

Indoor play helped us warm up - we loved doing crafty bits to help make us props for all our imaginative play! We made wands and costume accessories to dress up with, lots of money (notes and shiny coins from leftover chocolate wrappers!) to play shopkeepers, and even fish bowls with orange fish and a hook to fish them out.

This week in our music sessions, Miss Matthews taught us a new song all about feelings and emotions. She sang the song and we pulled lots of faces and sang along to help us understand how each emotion 'looks' and feels. And of course, we all got a go on her guitar!

Its been a fun-filled and exciting week back after the holidays. All the teachers were very impressed at how the children settled back into a new routine, and how nicely we interacted with our friends.
All this playing and running around really tired us out! Or maybe Mrs Irwin's sofas are just a bit too comfy...

We hope you all had a lovely restful break and a happy, hopeful New Year.
Do leave us a little comment. See you next week!