Week commencing 30th October 2023 - Acorns 59
Welcome to this blog post.
We hope you enjoy reading about our week.
It certainly has been a fun week.
The week started with pumpkins .... lots and lots of pumpkins.
Mrs Irwin had decorated her dresser as a surprise for the children.
"Oh my goodness ... look at that!"
"I love all those pumpkins."
We decided to follow the theme and made our own paper plate pumpkins.
We also used stencils to make bat and pumpkin pictures.
Very spooky !!
We found a very special torch - look at this ...
Magic !
We had to take turns and share which was a bit tricky at times as everyone wanted to use it at the same time.
Mrs Franks suggested we use a sand timer and it really helped.
We carved our own pumpkin - it was very sticky.
We enjoyed a few walks this week and loved searching for puddles.
We found a huge on just up the lane.
It was so much fun splashing in it.
The children walked really well and held on to our magic rope.
They had very good listening ears and followed instructions well.
Good work team !!
Please remember to bring named wellies and wet weathers each day.
We made our own pizzas for lunch - it was a huge success and the children really enjoyed them.
Someone could not wait and decided to have a nibble !!
Luckily Mrs Franks had made spares and extras.
These were photos of the children making their pizzas - before cooking.
We made bonfire pictures with Mrs Robinson and spoke about fireworks and sparkles.
Our letter of the week was G ...
Can the children sing you our new song about water gurgling down a drain ?
Here are a few extra photos from our week.
We hope you have a marvelous weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.
Enjoy the fireworks & stay safe !!
Mrs Franks and The Acorns Team.