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Week commencing 2nd September 2024 - Acorns 59 & 25.

Hello Everyone & Welcome to our blog.

Lots of excitement at The Acorns as we look forward to a full and exciting new term full of fun, learning and laughter.

Our new children have had a wonderful week at both settings as they begin to settle in, learn new routines and get to know their teachers and friends.

Our old children came running back in, keen to be reunited with their buddies and to tell their teachers all about the adventures they shared with their families during the holidays.

It truly has been a wonderful week and it is a joy to be back at The Acorns.

Each week we write a blog which will show you what we get up to in each of our nurseries.

There is usually a separate blog for each setting.

Mrs Franks will link the blog on the Acorns WhatsApp Group for easy access to it or you can come directly to the website to find it.  It usually is posted on a Friday afternoon.

We take lots of photos and love to share them with you – please make sure your photo permission slips are up to date and your preferences are known to us as to whether or not your children can appear in the blog.

Our termly plan starts next week and by now you should have all received a copy through email. Don’t forget to check your junk mail – but please do let me know if you haven’t got it and we can get it resent.

The blog will show you the activities we have created to support your children’s learning.

Our days are filled with free play -  where the children can explore our continuous provisions and take part in adult supported activities where we introduce new skills and we enjoy as much outdoor time as possible.

The EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) sets the standards for the learning, development and care for children from birth – five.

If you have any questions regarding our termly planning or The Early Years Foundation Stage then please speak to Mrs Franks who will be more than happy to chat about it.

Also if you celebrate a festival or event that isn’t included within our planning, we would love to hear about it and we can add it to our schedule.

We hope you enjoy reading our blogs and that they give you a sneak peak into what we get up to.

You are always welcome to view your children's photos and at the end of each term they are available for you to download to a memory stick for a small charge.

Now … the fun part.

Our goal this week was to settle in and have fun and we are pleased to say that is exactly what happened.

I have posted a selection of photos from each setting.

Next weeks blog will be back to our usual lay out.

At Acorns 25 …


At Acorns 59 …

Thank you so much for taking the time to read our blog.

We always welcome your comments and feedback.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Mrs Franks and The Acorns Team.


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