Week commencing 27th January 2025 - Acorns 59
Welcome to our blog post.

This term we have been learning all about our solar system.
We have enjoyed reading books about our planets that contain facts.
Some of the children brought in books from home which we have enjoyed looking at together.
The children all seem to be fascinated by Saturn – the planet with the rings.
Mrs Irwin found us a rug that looks like Saturn which we have all been very excited about.
We have also been learning a new song – perhaps you would like to sing it at home.
We sing it to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle.
Astronaut and rocket ship
Zoom to the moon on a little trip
Out the window, what do they see
Comets, stars and a galaxy
Astronaut on a rocket ship
Zoom to the moon on a little trip.
Mrs Drake painted some beautiful rocks to look like the planets and we used them in the tuff spot and with our rocket and space set.

You (hopefully) will have seen the children’s new self portraits displayed in the cloakroom.
We hope you love them as much as we do.
Its such a lovely activity to do each term to observe how the children’s mark making skills have changed and developed.

Mrs Franks has transformed our cloakroom with hanging planets and a projector – the children were delighted to see it looking so different.

One of the children was holding a sequined cushion and walking from one area of the nursery to another - they realised they could make their very own galaxy with shooting stars.
The sun was hitting the sequins in just the right spot.
Totally the childs own discovery - quite amazing!
We have been busy making moon buggies, rockets and spacecrafts using magnets, blocks, duplo, cardboard boxes and builder sets.

We explored ‘Moon Sand’ which was super sparkly.

We made Aliens with Mrs Robertson - they were adorable !

Mrs Drake helped us to make Rocket Collages. We have them displayed in the nursery – they look amazing!

We have loved learning about the planets so far and are excited to continue our project for the next few weeks.

We have also been learning about the Lunar New Year.

We have learnt that it is the year of the snake and the children enjoyed lots of activities around the celebration.
We danced with our dragon.

We made playdough snakes, rolling our dough with our hands.

We made beautiful lanterns to decorate the room.

We ate delicious Chinese food.
We even used chopsticks!

We enjoyed some time in the garden this week – here are a few photos.

Here are a few extra pics from the last few weeks.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about our time at The Acorns.
Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to more fun next week.
Mrs Franks and The Acorns Team.
Love seeing the blogs on what you get up to each week and like the added videos in this one!