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Week commencing 24th June 2024 - Acorns 59

Welcome to our blog post.

We hope you enjoy reading about our week.


This week we have been taking a closer look at the food we eat - talking about where it has come from, how it is grown and how far it has travelled.

We have enjoyed watching as single ingredients are combined to produce new foods.

The weather has been hot and we couldn't think of a better way to cool down than to make some home made lemonade and fruit smoothies.

The lemonade didnt go down too well.

"Its spicy!"

"Ooooh I like it, kind of, I don't think i will drink it all."

"Its making my tongue feel funny."

For the smoothies, the children chose which fruits they wanted to add and we used the blender to whizz them up into a cold, refreshing smoothie.

They were delicious.

Mrs Robertson shared a recipe to make a pineapple, papaya and mango milky drink – I think you can see by the photos that it was enjoyed.

We talked about the differences between fruits and vegetables – learning about where they grow and exploring to see which foods have seeds.

The children learned about root vegetables, leafy greens and that flowers can be edible.

We talked about how flowers can turn into fruits.  AMAZING!

We tasted some of the fruits and vegetables.

RR loves raw cauliflower !!

Mrs Drake did an experiment with the children to see if they could use their senses to explore savoury and sweet tastes.

We offered grapes for sweetness and cheese for the savoury taste.

The children were very trusting – they couldn’t see which food they were tasting.

It was lots of fun and amazing to see how the children reacted to the different flavours.

We had some bananas that were slightly over ripe – so we made banana muffins with Mrs Robertson.

The children were very excited to take their muffins home at the end of the day.

The children enjoyed a ploughman's lunch on Thursday and it offered lots of opportunities to cement the learning from the week,  revisiting what is a fruit and what is a vegetable.

As the children self served from the buffet they asked questions about where things grow and shared stories about the things they have growing in their own gardens at home.

We did some printing with vegetables - dipping our veg into the paint then pressing it down onto our paper.

"Whoaaa - we better not eat these now."

"You get red apples and green ones and even a pinky one."


Mrs Neve brought something rather special in to show us.

I wonder if the children will tell you about it.

We had lots of fun in the garden this week – the sun has been shining.

There was even a few days where we didn’t go out in the afternoon because it was just too hot.

Please make sure that your children arrive wearing sun screen and that there is a named bottle in their bags so we can reapply when needed. Thank you.

Our theme next week is 'Fun Sports Week'

We will be playing lots of different sports so can I ask you to make sure your children have appropriate footwear.

No open toed sandals please.

Wednesday is our Acorns Family Picnic.

We hope to see you all there.

If you haven't already done so, please reply to Mrs Mundys email regarding the picnic.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.

Mrs Franks and The Acorns 59 Team.


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