Week commencing 21st October 2024 - Acorns 59 Denmans Lane
Welcome to our blog post.
We hope you enjoy reading about our week.
This week we have been talking about Halloween and Diwali.
We made Diya Lamps from clay.
The children held the cold squishy clay and formed a ball by rolling it around in their hands.
We then marked a little X on top and guided the children to push their thumbs inside.
"X marks the spot!"
We used our other fingers to squash the clay into a thumb pot.

We then baked our clay slowly in the oven to dry it out before painting it with sparkly paint in bright beautiful colours.

We learnt a Diwali song – perhaps we will sing it for you at home.
“Light up your candle,  keep it shining bright.
Diwali, Diwali, The festival of light.
We watched a short C-beebies video about Diwali celebrations and noticed some of the people in the video had beautiful mehdhi patterns on their hands and arms.
We spoke to the children about Henna and how the leaves of a henna plant are used to dye the skin temporarily.
We used some brown paint to create our own Henna patterns in the garden.

Homemade pizza on Wednesday for lunch.
The children rolled out their dough and spread on tomato sauce.
They carefully chose their favourite toppings.

 We made some Halloween spooky jars with Mrs Robertson.
"Its a monster jar."
Such a fun activity and wonderful to see the children confidently make choices about how they wanted to decorate and fill their jars.

We also made these delicious cookies.

Mrs Drake has been busy with the children creating our very own Guy Fawkes.
The project has taken a few weeks and has provided opportunities for sewing, stuffing, painting, paper mache ...

We are over the moon with how he turned out.
The children really enjoyed the process of creating a large scale project and watching it develop over the last few weeks. They are very proud of him - rightly so.
They love to cuddle him
Well done Team !
 We have been getting excited about Halloween and enjoyed a few pumpkin crafts this week.

We even tried out some pumpkin mathematics.

We drew shape monsters in the garden on the tough tray using chalk.

We made muddy potions in the mud kitchen.

Planting - hoping that our bulbs will grow in the spring time.

It has been a wonderful week and we have packed in so many fun activities.
Here are a few extra photos.

We think we might have found the biggest leaf on the Lane this week - It is HUGE !!
The children had fun thinking of words to describe the leaf.
Biggerer (adorable)

We hope you all have a wonderful half term break and look forward to hearing about it on our return.
Mrs Franks and The Acorns Team.