Week commencing 19th April - Westmeston
What a wonderful sunny week we had to welcome everyone back for the summer term. This week we focused on settling the children back into their day at Acorns. We also enjoyed welcoming some new faces to our group.
We spent the majority of our time outside in the sunshine and the children enjoyed playing in the garden, climbing trees and swinging on our new rope ladder.
We celebrated a 4th birthday on Tuesday and enjoyed a wonderful game of pass the parcel with lovely prizes for all of the children.
The birthday boy enjoyed his birthday cake, as did all the other children. What a lovely treat for our first day back.
In the summer term, it's lovely to be able to do all of our normal activities, such as music and reading, outside in the sunshine.
On Friday we celebrated St George's Day by making shields. The children painted their shields with a red and white St George's cross and had great fun playing knights in the garden once they had dried.
We took a walk up the mountain and were amazed by how quickly the children ran up the steep path.
Once at the top, the children ran, climbed, explored and played rescue rope in the sunshine.
What a lovely first week of the summer term. If this sunny weather continues, please make sure that your child has a sun hat in their bag and some sunscreen on their faces; the sun can be deceptively strong at this time of year.