Week commencing 16th November 2020 - Lindfield.
Welcome to our latest blog.
This week we have focused on Literacy – Reading.
We closely observed the children and then using our observations and knowledge of each child we can make judgements as to where they are within the ‘Development Matters’ age bands.
During the parent consultations on Thursday many parents were intrigued as to how we make our judgements and what the document looks like.
Please see this example below.
22-36 months
*Has some favourite stories, rhymes and songs.
*Repeats words or phrases from familiar books.
*Fills in missing word in a known story, rhyme or game, E.g. Humpty Dumpty sat on a …..
30-50 months *Shows awareness of rhyme.
*Listens to and joins in with stories and poems.
*Joins in with repeated refrains.
*Beginning to be aware of the way stories are structured.
*Suggests how a story may end.
*Listens with increasing attention and recall.
*Shows and interest in print within the environment.
*Handles books with care.
*Recognises familiar words such as own name and advertising logos.
40-60 months
*Hears and say the initial sound in words.
*Can segment the sounds in words and blend them together.
*Links sounds to letters.
*Begins to read words.
*Knows that information can be retrieved from books and from a device.
*Can continue a rhyming string.
*Uses vocabulary that is increasingly influenced by their experiences of books.