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Week commencing 10th June 2024 - Acorns 25.

Welcome to our blog post.

We hope you enjoy reading about our week.



Mrs Neve found something very special in the garden. It was an egg shell, it was pale blue with brown speckles.

We asked the children what colour the shell was.

“Its blue like the sky.”  AS

“Its egg coloured.” TWCC

“A small bird makes a small egg.   We’ve got eggs at home in the cupboard – they’re bigger.” SC


Tuesday -

We played a food game.

We named all of the things in Mrs Finney's bag and discussed where the food comes from before it arrives at our supermarkets.

The children discovered that some things grow on trees, some in the ground and that some things come from animals.

It was very interesting to see how much the children knew about the food we eat.

The children didn’t know that potatoes make crisps and that tomatoes are used to make ketchup.

We made some beautiful flower cards using ox eye daises, clover and dandelions.

This was a great fine motor activity and one easily recreated at home.


As a follow up from our food game - we did some potato printing in the garden.

Can we fill in all the gaps?

What colours and shapes can we see?


It was wraps for lunch - our favourite !!

We enjoyed making our own wraps with yummy fillings.

Thursday -

We had lots of fun in the garden today.

We got sticky and sparkly as we crafted.

Friday -

Mrs Neve helped us to make cornflake cakes.

We talked about chocolate and how it is made and then looked carefully at the cornflakes and wondered where they came from.

"It was hard but in the dish it is runny." TS

The children mixed the cornflakes with the chocolate and scooped it into cases.

The children were very excited to take their treats home.

We worked on our surprises for Father's Day all week.

The children are very excited to share their surprises at the weekend.

No photos as we don't want to spoil the surprise.


Mrs Irwin has been out on the lane again taking photos.

Who can tell us what this is?

We look forward to your answers next week.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and Happy Father's Day to all of our Dads.

See you next week for more fun, games and learning.

Mrs Franks and The Acorns 25 Team.


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