Destination 4 - China
Ni Hao 👋🏻
This week we have explored China. The children loved watching a video all about how to say Hello and Good bye in Chinese and finding China on the globe.

We have explored Chinese numbers, using black paint and calligraphy paper.

Eleni bought a box full of exciting treats for us this week to help us celebrate the Lunar New Year. Thank you very much. Her mummy is from Korea, so we tried some delicious Korean snacks. They also brought chopsticks that the children used to eat their snacks and did amazingly well. (Watch the video on our social media pages).

We have eaten lots of Chinese food, noodles, pak choi, rice, spring rolls, prawn toast and prawn crackers.
The children also tried on some traditional Korean outfits called Hanboks. They were so beautiful and colourful.

We shared a story about the Lunar New Year called The Great Race, and made some tiger masks to help us celebrate the year of the Tiger. Mrs Spencer was born in the year of the Ox. Can you find your lunar animal?

Dragons have been a really fun part of the week, and the children have all been very creative. Making the dancing dragons was tricky because the paper had to be folder concertina style; this required a huge amount of concentration.

It was lovely to see the children work together to create our huge life-size dancing dragon. This activity really helped the children with their social skills, turn taking, listening, communication, language, decision making, problem solving skills, creativity and imagination skills.

The children used scarves and moved around the big hall to Chinese music pretending to be a Chinese dragon. (Watch the video on our social media pages)
Outside we built the Great Wall of China, another activity to promote teamwork and problem solving skills.

As always the children have plenty of opportunity to play and explore the garden and our surrounding countryside on our walks.

Next week India ....