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Destination 2 - Italy @ Westmeston

Ciao from an Italian Acorns.

This week the children have enjoyed a taste of Italy making their own pizzas and Arancini. Deliziosa!

The children have learnt about the colours of the flag and had fun painting their own replicas.

The children learnt new words

Please - Per Favore

Thank you - Grazie

Good morning - Buon giorno

Bye - Ciao

We spent time learning about the Mona Lisa and got artistic by painting our own. We loved the creativity and special consideration to the colours.

The Acorns was full of messy play this week with spaghetti. The children enjoyed the texture of spaghetti and also used tongs to aid their fine motor development, filling up containers and moving the spaghetti around the very large tray. Messy play helps children explore the world around them, develop communications skills, build vocabulary, sensory awareness , and sharing skills.

The Gelateria was very popular this week and the children enjoyed serving the teachers and their friends various flavours of Italian Gelato. Role play helps to develop communication skills, learning new words, build social skills, confidence, self esteem as well as supporting children development of creativity and imaginations.



"Chocolate chip"

We were very lucky this week to enjoy The Gruffalo and Finding Dory being read in Italian, by Warren’s Daddy. It was a lovely experience for the children and we are very grateful. Grazie.

We also learnt a new game called "Bocce". You play in teams, and try to roll a ball close to a ball called a 'pallina'. It took lots of concentration and accuracy.

We learnt about some of the famous landmarks in Italy and tried to build our own ‘Leaning Tower of Pisa’.

The children learnt a song about Italy, watch out for it on our social media pages.

Friday fun was a trip up the mountain. Another beautiful winters day, cold but sunny.

See you next week for a trip to Australia.


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