Week commencing 3rd February - Westmeston
With our focus being on reading this week, we have shared lots of lovely books. We spoke about some our favourites;
"My unicorn book and the book about Daisy and peas"
"Tabby McTat"
We have been reading Owl Babies as a group and enjoyed the sensory display of leaves, feathers and puppets. It has been fun to join in with the story and play the parts of the owls as they wonder where their Mummy has gone.

We had a go at making up our own story. Mrs Tubb narrated as we picked out letters and thought of words beginning with that sound. Our story ended up being all about a hippopotamus called Nanna who liked jumping and eating oranges. We wonder if you can guess the rest!

We didn't spend much time indoors this week, but when we did, we had a lovely messy time with shaving foam. We used all sorts of utensils to move the foam and make different patterns.

On Tuesday we made our own soup for lunch. We discussed the vegetables and how they grow,
"Parsnips grow in the ground. I dig them up with Grumps."
We peeled them carefully making sure we moved the peeler away from our fingers. We had a go at peeling the onion with our fingers but realised that we needed a knife to get the skin away.

The soup was delicious, although one or two of us weren't too sure. We all did well to have a taste and try it. Everyone really enjoyed the cheesy toast we had with the soup and it was good for dipping too.

On Thursday it really felt like spring was on the way as we played in the warm sunshine. We used old cardboard boxes to make robots, using sticks for arms, legs and some wires in the tummy!

One of our robots even came scooting with us, wearing a helmet of course!

We took a walk around the garden to do some bird spotting. How lucky we were to get so close to a robin! We saw it clearly singing a happy song in the trees.
"He's singing."
"He likes us."

On Friday, we used some leaf skeletons and coloured paper to make sun catchers. The leaf skeletons were beautiful and it was interesting to see all the veins. We compared them to the veins that we could see on our hands. The leaf skeletons looked lovely with the sun shining through them in our sun catchers.

We also made some amazing creations from clay, including pots, flowers and this amazing statue of a witch, cat and dog.

There was lots of climbing to do on our walk as we went over the styles to the woods. We had to go through some very sticky mud in one field - we had a couple of stuck feet and a lost boot!

In the afternoon, we had lots of fun playing outside. We made dens and boats from cushions and mats and played running games like 'stuck in the mud'.

Some of us had a go at sawing discs of wood. We had to remember all the safety rules and make sure we stood out of the 'work area' if it wasn't our turn. It was hard work sawing through the wood; it certainly kept us warm. We painted the discs with chalkboard paint then wrote letters on them.

We're looking forward to our activities next week. We can't believe it's already the last week before half term holidays!