Week commencing 27th January 2020 - Lindfield.
Welcome to this week’s blog post.
We hope you enjoy reading about our week and we look forward to your comments.
On Monday we celebrated Chinese New Year, we made lanterns and ate Chinese food for lunch.

We learned that it is the year of the Rat.
Some of us can even wish you Happy New Year in Chinese.
"Prawn crackers are soo yummy!"

We have enjoyed reading ‘Owl babies’ this week and have done some amazing owl crafts.
We made some hand prints and when they dried we decorated them with big eyes and a beak.

We think they look fabulous!
We also enjoyed owl colouring sheets, we are learning to colour within the lines and how to hold our pencils correctly.

The pictures are up on the door for you all to see.
We learned that owls are nocturnal animals. That means that they like to come out at night when it is dark. Their wings are large and strong.
“I saw’d an owl at the fair and the man was wearing a glove on his hand cause the owl nails were sharp.”
“They sometimes come out in the day time because I saw one at the owl show.”
Nellie brought in a owl puppet and a little baby owl to share with her friends during circle time.

We also made some owl masks.

We have been working hard this week to remember The Acorns Rules.
We don’t always remember to say 'Please' and 'Thank You' so the teachers have been reminding us all at every opportunity.
We like to have walking feet indoors. There are lots of children at The Acorns and if we run we might bump into other people, trip over toys or hurt ourselves on furniture.
We are kind to each other and share. Kind Hands, Kind Feet and Kind Words.
We have enjoyed time in the garden exploring. We found a brilliant muddy puddle to jump in.

It’s been a mixed bag of weather again this week, please remember to bring your child’s wet weathers or a nice change of clothes.

We found something really interesting on Friday in the garden – look at this !!

We searched for other signs of spring … look what we found.

Vida noticed something about her reading book.
"I've seen this before Mrs Franks - but bigger!"
She was right, we have 2 copies of this book - look at the difference.
We checked each page of the book and the drawings and words were exactly the same so the only difference was the size.

We made some bead jewellery - we had to concentrate very hard to thread the beads onto the string.

We asked the children what they would like to do on Friday and thy came up with the idea of making Elsa cakes.
We helped to measure out the ingredients, beat the eggs, cream the sugar and butter together and sieve the flour.

When the cakes were cooled we decorated our own with runny icing and sprinkles.

We were so excited to take them home.
Have a happy weekend everyone.
We look forward to seeing you next week.