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Week commencing 25th March 2019 - Lindfield.

What a beautiful week – We enjoyed lots of lovely weather this week and spent a lot of time in the garden.

We enjoyed blowing bubbles and chasing them around the garden was so much fun.

We watched them float up to the sky, some popped on the roof of the house and some on the trees.

We wondered how far the bubbles could travel.

“Maybe all the way to the clouds.”

"I think it will get popped on an aeroplane.”

In the mud kitchen we made soups and cakes to share with our friends. Most of the mud has dried out now and the children went in search of bark and twigs to add to their concoctions.

We have been making cards for Mother’s day this week and talking about the special people in our lives. We feel very thankful to have such a wonderful group of Mummies at The Acorns. You are all fabulous and we hope that you have a great day on Mothering Sunday.

We did lots of mark making and writing this week. We used pencils, crayon and pens to make marks on paper. We painted with water outside on the benches and slabs. We also used the magnetic pen boards and the salt tray.

We enjoy tracing over our name cards at the writing table and we are learning how to form the letters correctly.

We made the most amazing junk models – we used yogurt pots and cereal boxes. Lots of sticky tape and lashings of glue.

We have been practising our climbing skills on the wall that leads to the pirate ship.

One of our favourite things to do in the garden is to walk the length of the low level wall, balancing very carefully. We get to the end and jump off – look at this action shot.

On Thursday morning some of the children visited Plumpton Tennis Club along with their parents.

They all had fun learning new ball and racquet skills.

The children had to listen carefully to the Ian, the tennis coach as he gave them instructions on what to do.

Everyone enjoyed a snack and chat afterwards.

Thank you to everyone who supported the outing.

There will be another opportunity in June - Please look at The Acorns Calendar when it arrives at the start of next term.

Felix the bear has been with Leah-Rose and enjoyed seeing her new house and sharing a yummy donut !

He has now gone to visit Maya. Have fun Felix !

We enjoyed a visit to the local park on Friday afternoon.

On the way we held onto the rope and listened well to instructions. We have been learning about Road Safety and we used our ears to listen for traffic.

We enjoyed all of the equipment at the park - especially the swings!!

Have a wonderful weekend.

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