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Week Beginning 14th January 2019 - Westmeston

We have been really pleased to see such good sharing and taking turns when playing with the toys and equipment.

This week we have made banana bread and cheesy biscuits. We had to look at a recipe which told

us what ingredients we needed and then weigh them and mix them. It was really hard not to eat the cheese and cake and mixtures while we were cooking. The finished results were yummy! We read the story of the Little Red Hen and tried to understand that we all need to help each other. We wondered whether the Little Red Hen was right not to share her bread.

We talked a lot about keeping ourselves healthy. We need to make the right choices with the food that we eat. We need to wash our hands before eating and we need to clean our teeth. On Wednesday we brought our toothbrushes in and cleaned our teeth. We also practised cleaning a very big set of teeth. It is important that we get lots of fresh air. There is plenty of that at Westmeston!

We had a role play Post Office. We enjoyed weighing toys, writing on envelopes, putting things in envelopes and pretending that stickers were stamps that got stuck on everything! We even made a post box which lots of interesting things got posted into.

It was good to be able to draw on the floor! All of that space, we could be really creative.

We played with torches in a dark den. It got quite hot! We were really good at sharing the torches and giving each other space. Mrs Butcher was really proud of herself having worked out how to put the tent up and take it down without written instructions! YouTube may have helped a little bit!

Some of us learned how to weave. We had to concentrate really hard to remember when to go over and under. We used different coloured yarns and pipe cleaners.

The end of the week saw us sliding up and down the mountain. It was very, very slippery and we used all of our muscles and concentration to stay upright. It is really good for us to have these opportunities to push our boundaries. It didn't matter if we ended up on our bottoms or our backs. We just got back up again and from experience we tried to find if there were other ways to stay upright. What fun!!!!!! Our free play was amazing. We decided to play in the dip. Lots of relationships being firmed up and new friendships made. We even had an opera in a thicket of blackthorn! What a treat for the wildlife!

Despite being quite chilly, the signs of spring are all round. We have already seen flowering primroses and daffodils. The bluebell leaves are pushing through the soil. Mikki found a bird nest made from moss on a wall of ivy. I wonder what we will find next week?

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