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Week beginning 12th November 2018 - Westmeston

We are feeling very Christmassy now as we are practising the Christmas CD ahead of the concert and we are starting to make decorations for the hall.

Although it has been very mild we have noticed that when we stop playing it feels a bit chilly so we are learning to think ahead (with support) to decide for ourselves what we might need to wear when we are outside especially on a Friday when we can't just pop back in.

We are working hard to be independent with our dressing and undressing and it shows by the fact that it is a lot quicker to get outside! Thank you to all of the grown ups at home who are supporting us.

On Fridays, no matter how well covered we are, that water still manages to get in to our wellies so we are getting very good at putting on clean dry socks and we are learning to keep our things together in one place with fewer reminders.

We are outdoors a lot and we sometimes do activities that can get a bit messy so we shouldn't wear our best clothes. The leaves that are covering the ground are very soggy but great for hiding and rolling in - we can get wet and muddy very quickly if not properly covered. We really enjoyed making a swamp with Miss Vincent to put our stick crocodiles in on Thursday which was another chance to get muddy! Even when we are inside, sensory play, painting and gluing can get very messy even with aprons. If we have our old clothes on or our uniform nobody gets too upset and we want everyone to have a go at everything without having to worry!

We have been talking about kindness and feelings and how our actions can affect others. We have been taking turns and sharing. Benji brought in the Enormous Crocodile puzzle which we all helped to do. We even counted all of the pieces back in afterwards.

On Friday we looked at the leaves that we collected the week before that had been dried and pressed. We heated up beeswax and dipped the leaves in. We had to be very careful as it involved hot liquid wax. Excellent listening and understanding. We saw how the wax melted and coated the leaves. It cooled and

turned solid again very quickly.

It hasn't been a very good year for fungi so we were excited to see a tiny puffball as well as few other toadstools on our travels. We know that we shouldn't touch mushrooms or toadstools because they might be poisonous. Some of us have to be reminded not to stamp on them!

We have had such a lovely week.

Have a great weekend!

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