Week commencing 12th November 2018 - Lindfield.
On Monday we started to practise for our Christmas concert.
Some of the children already know the songs and can remember singing them last year.
We will be practising every day between now and the concerts which are on the 5th and 6th of December at Westmeston. Tickets will be available to buy next week.
We spent lots of time outside, enjoying what we think might be the last of the sunshine.
It’s definitely getting colder so please remember to pack warm clothes and suitable shoes/boots for the wet weather.
The leaves continue to fall and we have enjoyed collecting them and sorting them into colours and sizes.
Tuesday was World Kindness Day.
We talked a lot about being kind to each other and how kindness is not just about not hitting/biting or kicking. It’s about sharing, it’s about being a good friend, a good person and making good decisions.
We will be talking a lot about this throughout the week with the children.
We made some beautiful hand print pictures, choosing a friend to paint alongside.

We had a pottery session with Jane and we made some fabulous models which will be ready to take home soon.

On Wednesday we welcomed a new friend to The Acorns, we showed kindness by showing him around, taking his hand and showing him where to find things. We hope that we made him feel very welcome.
We did some wonderful writing practise with Miss Reay. We are learning how to hold our pencils correctly and how to write our names.
We enjoyed reading the books that the children brought in to share with us. Thank You.
We also made some sticky collage pictures, we used shiny sequins and coloured sticks.

Mabel found something interesting crawling in the garden.

Harriet also found something …

On Thursday we helped to decorate more programmes for the Christmas concert. We have been using an ink pad and making red and green finger prints.
We also celebrated Joshua’s 5th Birthday. The children sang Happy Birthday and Josh did a great job of blowing out his candles.
Vida brought in her nursery school book, we really enjoyed looking at it together ……

On Friday we had another two birthdays to celebrate.
Tilly and Miss Scovell – Happy Birthday!
We shared lots of stories and practised for our Christmas concert again too.
We made wonderful buildings with our new set of soft blocks that Mrs Irwin bought for us.
We also started to think about Christmas crafts.
We made some wonderful snow flakes that will decorate the hall at Westmeston for the concert.

Another wonderful week !
Have a great weekend everyone.