Week beginning 5th March 2018 - Westmeston
Welcome back to Westmeston after our exciting snow week! We really missed you but we are sure that you had lots of fun with your families and friends!
There was a little bit of snow left in the car park which we made the most of with Miss Edwards' sledge! We had to be careful that we didn't go too fast down the slope!!!!
We have been very busy making Mothers' Day cards and helping to make beautiful flower gifts. We had to carefully use the pedal of Miss Vincent's sewing machine, do careful threading with a pipe cleaner and print our names using teeny tiny blocks.
We have been painting daffodils which were on the
front of the Mother's Day cards and Mrs Hilton helped us to write our names. We did free painting as well!
We have been talking about the changes to the plants and trees at this time of year. Cooper was fascinated by the drops of water covering the daffodil leaves and he
spent time carefully wiping them off! Hunter meanwhile was looking for Darth Maul in a hole in a tree! Some of us played hide and seek! We have spotted some early flowering daisies as well as celandines. The buds are getting fatter on the twigs and branches and we can't wait to see if they will be leaves or flowers.
We have seen birds making nests and in the garden there is a magpie making a nest in a birch tree and a blue tit making a nest in the gutter of the hall.
On Friday we had marshmallows and hot chocolate which we cooked on the Kelly Kettle. We enjoyed lots of free play in the mud kitchen and all worked together as a team. We are learning not to pick the leaves and flowers that are growing around us! We then walked up the mountain which wasn't too slippery. We played in the trees and bushes pretending to be birds and chicks. We had lots of fun.
Thinking ahead to Easter, we have been invited to Westmeston Church on Thursday 22nd March for Easter activities and to have an Easter Egg Hunt! Children on other days are invited as well but they will have to have Mummy, Daddy or a carer come too! Please speak to Mrs Booth if you are interested in joining us on this visit.
Have a good weekend!