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Week Commencing 22nd May 2017 - Westmeston


What a scorching hot week we have had! We have had to make sure that we were wearing sun cream and hats when we were playing outside.

With our focus on Maths – Shape, Space and Measures we have been measuring quantities with lots of water play which was very cooling. We used long gutters to make streams. We played with large wooden blocks, joining them together to make tracks.

We have been making patterns and shapes with paint and looking at different leaf shapes. Fabian said that the leaves of the baby sycamore trees looked like triangles. We marvelled at the teeny tiny conkers that were beginning to form on the Horse Chestnuts now that the beautiful flowers are falling off. We know that the conkers will grow much bigger and will be ready to collect in the Autumn.

We have been noticing all sorts of things while we have been out and about. Dexter noticed that

the nettles had now grown taller than him. In the woods we saw a large lorry and a van fixing a tall telegraph pole. We used sawdust to make pictures and patterns. While in the woods some of us pulled our caps over our eyes and we led each other to different trees. We were then led away and we had to use all of

our senses to feel, listen and smell to find our tree again. It was great fun and we wanted to do it again and again. We need to remember to wear long trousers and sturdy shoes or wellies in the woods to stop our legs from getting stung or scraped as we play.

An RAC man came to visit us on Wednesday and we all watched as he successfully gained entry to a car belonging to one of the Grandmas who had lost her keys.

We have had lots of Superhero play this week with games and role play.

We enjoyed using water colours to paint with and we loved how the colours washed into each other. We had to remember to wash the brush after each colour or wipe it on the grass!

On Thursday some of us had tennis at Plumpton Tennis Club. We enjoyed it very much. We are very good at following instructions and know how to hit a ball. We are lucky that on the General Election day on the 8th of June, the Thursday Westmeston children will be going to the Tennis Club again for the day. Please look out for details.

We hope that you have a lovely half term holiday and we look forward to seeing you when we come back.

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