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Week 11 @ Acorns 25

As the term draws to a close we have enjoyed lots of fun in the garden and out on walks to the Doctors garden and the park.

The children have really shown how much they have changed and developed over the year.

They have become more independent at getting ready to go, with most children trying to, if not yet quite able to change their shoes and find sun hats.

They walk beautifully on the rope, crossing the road safely and running to us when we blow the whistle in the park. Amazing!

A feather!

Spiderman jump!

Investigating polar bear footprints!

Feet first down the slide!

At the doctors garden the children helped to clear weeds and found some interesting things …

“I found two bits of china”


The potatoes are still growing!

Lots of people stopped to talk to us and were happy to see us helping our community.

We have enjoyed the Little Red Hen Story this week and it has sparked discussions about being helpful and kind to each other. The children created some lovely red hen pictures.

A visit to their duck pond and we were amazed to see how much the ducklings and goslings have grown and changed.

Their fluff has nearly gone and the have changed colour to look much more like their mummies and daddies.

As we come to a close on our farm topic we had a special visit from Butterbox Farm. Farmer Holly talked to us about the animals they keep on the farm. Holly told us that the their pig is expecting 14 piglets!

Farmer Gavin showed us his red tractor, he parked it on the Acorns drive.

The tractor had huge wheels and a big cab where Gavin sits to drive.

It had a lawnmower at the back and a hay lifter on the front.

The children asked some good questions …

“Do you have a sheepdog?”

“What colour was his tractor?”

“What do the animals eat?”

“Do you have goats?”

We love having visitors at Acorns, Thank you to Farmer Gavin and Farmer Holly for coming.

Please check out Butterbox farm on your social media sites and look out for their pop up shops on the farm.

They are hoping to open every Saturday towards the end of the summer.

What a great week!

We look forward to seeing you all at the picnic next week.


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