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W/C 12th June @ Acorns 25

This week at the Acorns we have been learning about farm animals and their babies. The children have loved identifying animal noises and singing Old Macdonald.

We have been keeping a close eye on the ducklings and goslings on the Lindfield pond. We are taking photos to keep track of how much they have grown. A lady this week very kindly shared her duck food, the children, ducks, geese and their babies were very happy.

We counted 5 Goslings and 2 Ducklings.

“They are beautiful ducklings”

“Quack quack”

“Bye ducks”

Can your children remember baby animal names?

Mrs Voller made the children some large farm animals to paint and decorate, we started with the very pink pig.

We also decorated smaller pig pictures and our older Acorns practiced writing farm words for our nursery displays.

An early trip to the park before the sunshine got too hot was lots of fun. The children explored the wobbly boards, climbing frame, slide, swings, seesaw and roundabout.

Taking turns with each other and new friends also using the park.

The children showed excellent listening skills when Mrs Spencer blew the whistle, retuning very quickly to teachers.

The children noticed that the park was very messy with rubbish, we talked about where we should put our rubbish and why we shouldn’t leave it on the ground.

“It’s messy”

“Cause the police will tell us off”

“It might be slippery”

“It might hurt the animals”

Before we left we collected all the rubbish and took it back to the Acorns rubbish bin.

Finally we made some extra special cards for Father’s day. The card helped children to identify colours and shapes, that they then used to make a tractor.

We hope you enjoy the sunny weekend.

Please continue to apply sunscreen before your child arrives at nursery and also to make sure you pack sunscreen, hats and spare clothes.

Many Thanks

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