Week commencing 11th March 2019 - Lindfield.
The week started off with us making some nice fresh play dough together.
Alice chose the colour this week – Orange.
We didn’t have any orange dye so decided to experiment with colour mixing.
Miss Reay and Alice mixed together yellow and red food colouring to make orange. Did it work?
I think next time we might need to add a bit more red to the mix.
The children had fun playing with the play dough, using their hands as well as rolling pins and cutters to make little sculptures and shapes.
We made some more daffodils with lollipop sticks. We have enjoyed searching for daffodils in the garden this week too.
Mrs Irwin’s garden is beginning to bloom and there are lots of flowers for us to look at.
During circle time we experimented with the sounds we can make with musical instruments. We each chose an instrument from the box to explore and had fun playing our instruments and then swapping with friends.
We enjoyed using the sticky sheets with Mrs Franks and showed how well we can match colours, shapes and sequence numbers. We are superstars!
We did some more colour mixing later in the week using paints. It was interesting to see how to make new colours.
We talked about primary colours and how we can use them to mix other colours.
Red and yellow make orange.
Blue and red make purple.
Blue and yellow makes green.
We then experimented to see what happened when we mixed all the colours together!
We had fun building with sticklebricks – check out this cool model make by Tommy!
Can you guess what it is?
Felix the bear had an amazing time at Sally’s house where he enjoyed having breakfast, playing dress up and visiting the coffee shop.
He has now gone home to spend a few days with Harriet. We are excited to hear about his new adventures on his return.
We managed to dodge storm Gareth this week and still spent lots of time in the garden. The rain water collected in pots in the mud kitchen and we had fun mixing in mud and leaves to make soup.
It was Stay and Play week and we enjoyed having Mum’s and Dad’s visit us throughout the week.
Remember you are always welcome to come and play. It doesn’t have to be a set week – our door is always open. (Well – it is actually closed and locked for safety reasons – but you know what I mean)
Have a wonderful weekend everyone !