Week commencing 5th November 2018 - Westmeston

This week we started off by talking about bonfire night and fireworks. We have decorated firework biscuits with icing and food colouring and made sparkly firework pictures with glitter glue. It was really hard to squeeze the glitter glue out of the tubes so our fingers got a good work out! We got a little bit excited with the glitter and added it to the playdoh as well. We made glitter monsters.

With the arrival of the wet and sometimes cold weather we are working hard at putting on our outdoor clothes by ourselves and taking them off again. We also need to remember to put the little things like gloves and hats safely back in our bags when we have finished with them.
We have made homemade pizza this week with regular and gluten free flour.
We have done experiments with Miss Vincent's leftover Halloween pumpkin using washing up liquid, bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. It was amazing!

Out and about we have been finding all sorts of interesting things. We have been arranging sticks to make letters and saying what we can see beginning with the sounds.

Fabulous muddy puddles are appearing and it can be quite a challenge to stay upright in the mud.
We have collected lots of leaves of many different colours that we will dry and press to preserve them.
On Friday Miss Vincent made toast on the fire with her special camping gadget. We also made our own soup which was yummy!

All though the week we have talked about the importance of Remembrance Day. We have been painting and drawing poppies and talking about what it all means.
Over the past few weeks some of our friends told us about what they had learned about the war and we heard what it was like to be an evacuee. It was all very interesting. We finished off the week by reading a poem written by Mrs Irwin. We held a two minute silence where we were encouraged to think about the men and women who died fighting to protect our country so that we can live freely in our current lives.
We will always remember.