Week commencing 24th September 2018 - Lindfield.
Another busy week at The Acorns!
The children enjoyed a walk around the village to see if they could spot any scarecrows that had been left out from the Arts Festival.
They held the magic rope well and listened carefully to the teachers as they crossed the roads.
We think that Acorns Archie is amazing and even though he didn’t win any prizes at the weekend we think he is the best scarecrow ever!

We had a pottery session with Jane where we enjoyed making our own faces out of clay. The children all did so well considering it was the first session for many of them. They listened well to Jane’s instructions and warmed the clay up in their hands before rolling out shapes. We are so excited to see the finished products. Jane has taken the models away to be fired in her kiln and will bring them back soon for us.
We took lots of pictures but thought it might be nice to keep them as a surprise.
What a wonderful selection of fruits and vegetables you have brought in for our table display. We have Pumpkins, Marrows, Onions, Potatoes, Carrots, Spring Onions, Tomatoes, Peppers & Aubergines to name but a few.

Thank you all so much!
The children have enjoyed looking at the fruit and vegetables, naming them, tasting them and even printing with them.

We made some spiced apple puffs with some apples that came from Beth’s garden. The children carefully peeled and chopped the apples before stirring in some sugar and spices. They rolled out the pasty and cut out circle shapes. The apple puffs went down well for pudding.

We also tasted roasted marrow at lunch time – It didn’t go down too well but the potatoes from Leah-Rose’s garden were a hit. We roasted them in the oven and they were yummy.
We have enjoyed lots of outdoor time with the children this week and the weather has been beautiful. The children have been climbing, balancing, running and jumping. They particularly have enjoyed riding the bikes and trikes along the path and playing with balls.

We even taught our teddies and dollies how to climb safely.

We enjoyed arts and crafts this week too – we painted and printed, coloured in and chalked.
We really enjoyed making vegetable prints, we had to match up the vegetables with the right colour of paint. The pictures are fabulous !

We did some collage and box modelling too .....

As you know Mrs Irwin had a visit from Ofsted this week to carry out an inspection of her Child minding. You will be emailed a link to the report when it goes live on their website.
We are over the moon with the result. Well Done Mrs Irwin!
Enjoy the weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week.