Week Beginning 4th June - Westmeston

We have had such a lovely week, it hasn't been too hot or too cold. There has been lots of free play and work going on inside and outside. Now that the early spring flowers have died down we can go on Space Mountain again! Yayyyy!
We are always practising good manners and we have been trying really hard to say "Please" and "Thank you" without being reminded. Some of us find it easier than others! Maybe you could remind us at home?
We have had some lovely walks and we have seen caterpillars, ladybirds and their larvae, bees,

flies and frog hoppers covered in bubbly cuckoo spit. We have seen some interesting fungi as well with one orange blobby one that turned black overnight!
We are still trying really hard not to randomly pick the flowers unless there are lots of them and a grown up has said that it is ok.

We have been doing some stencilling and using a roller to make silhouettes of the African animals that are in Handa's Surprise. Look out for the display coming soon.
The paints have been out as usual this week with free painting poster and water colours. We have looked at patterns and colour mixing with a little bit of wax relief painting. We have made a different type of paper this week for a very special purpose. On Friday we were able to look at a wasp nest to see how wasps make paper! Clever!

Although we do love our show and tell we understand that there is not always time to show it. There is sometimes so much of it and it is not always related to the topic. We do like to hear about special family events, holidays, planning related items and anything to do with nature! We really liked Robert's jaw bone with wobbly teeth!
Conker Sheep has had an amazing time at Zoe's house for the whole of half term. We really enjoyed reading about it. Lucky Conker Sheep!
Finally, we have got a little bit of a build up of lost property. If it is not spread out on a table please feel free to rummage through the bag which is usually hanging up in the small hall. Anything left over at the end of term will be donated to charity.
Please look out for information regarding Thursday's tennis opportunity. It may have to be cancelled if there are not enough children. See you next week!