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Week Beginning 26th March 2018 - Westmeston

We have had a great week and have had a lot of fun doing Easter themed activities. We have hunted for eggs, chicks and bunnies, made chocolate nests and we have made lovely cards.

It has been sunny, it has rained and it has been icy cold, all in the space of a week! We have had coats on, coats off and coats on again!

On Wednesday we voted, despite the rain, to go up the mountain. We have never been up in the rain before and we got very wet and muddy. It was ok though because we all had spare clothes and we all tried really hard to change our wellies, wet weathers, trousers, tops, socks and anything else all by ourselves! We had a lot of fun running, climbing, balancing, sliding, slipping and every now and then - walking! I wonder whether we will want to go there again in the rain? Time will tell.

We all enjoyed breaking up chocolate and melting it seeing the different textures as we mixed it into some shredded wheat to make Easter nests. We carefully spooned the mixture into cases and popped a few eggs on the top. Yum! Cooper brought in some to share that he had made at home. Thank you!

We have enjoyed singing and playing games. Sitting down games and ring games with lots of running around!

We spent a lot of time sorting interesting small objects into different compartments. We concentrated very well and we were careful with the tiny pieces.

All in all it has been a great last week before the end of term. Please don't forget that on Thursday during the first week back (19th April) we will be at the Emmanuel Chapel in Ditchling as the Hall will be needed for another purpose. We hope that you will have a lovely Easter Break and look forward to seeing you all at the start of the Summer Term.

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