Week commencing 20th November 2017 - Lindfield.

What a fabulous week!
On Monday morning we got creative and started with our Christmas crafts.
We made some decorations and some pictures to hang up around the nursery.
The children enjoyed potato printing. We cut the potatoes into holly leaf shapes and then used our fingers to paint some berries onto our pictures.
Some of the children went for a lovely long walk. They walked through the village to the park at the common.
“We saw the ducks in the pond but not the crocodile head.”
Whilst at the park they had lots of fun running, jumping, climbing, balancing and using all of the play equipment.

On Tuesday we had a pottery session with Jane.
The children made little pots and cut out some Christmas shapes to go inside. Jane will put them in a special oven called a kiln and will bring them back next time.
“It feels cold.”
“I want my tree to be green.”

We spent time practising the songs for our Christmas Concert. The children are working so hard to learn all of the songs. Are you enjoying playing the CD at home?
Tickets are on sale now for the concert and cost £5 each. Please refer to your emails regarding the routine for the concert days.
We had fun playing in the garden – we went on the pirate ship and played on ride on toys.
On Wednesday we spent lots of time in the garden, it was a windy day and we watched the leaves fall from the trees and swirl around on the ground. We chased the leaves along the path as the wind blew them.
We played with playdough, the farm set, magnets & puzzles. We drew beautiful pictures and we practised writing our names.
On Thursday we had a very special job to do with Miss Reay. We made a post box from an old cardboard box and painted it with bright red paint. The children can post Christmas cards to their friends. The box will be emptied on the second to last week so please post your cards by the 8th December so we can get them all sent home.

Thank you to everyone who came along for the Parent’s evening. We hope you all found it worthwhile.
On Friday morning we did some more Christmas crafts. We have started to make our Christmas cards – we used sponges with white paint, buttons, felt and googly eyes.

“Snowman has carrot nose.”
“One, two, three buttons. I am three.”
“Snow is cold like ice lollys.”
The children are so proud of their creations.
We had fun with the giant Octo and we built a space rocket to take us to the moon. It was so tall that it nearly reached the ceiling!

We continued to practise our Christmas songs and we are excited about decorating the nursery next week with all our festive artwork.
It’s going to be a busy end of term with lots of exciting things planned.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!