Week Commencing 26th June 2017 - Westmeston

It has been PE Week. Some of us have been practising getting changed into and out of our PE kits. If we haven’t done so it’s because we have been changing in and out of our spare clothes due to the rain and the mud. Although we were all very good at changing, some of us needed a little bit of help remembering to keep all of our clothes tidily in one place so that we could find them again. Please help us to practise being tidy at home!

We have been practising lining up, running, balancing pine cones on spoons and bean bags on our heads. We are getting very good at it and we can’t wait for Sports Day to show you! Please bring your picnics and arrive for 12.30. It is a normal session at Westmeston and Lindfield up to that point. We are so excited!
Letter of the Week was Hh for Handa’s surprise. We made lovely necklaces using paper plates, scissors and felt pens.
It has been much cooler this week with lots of heavy rain. Instead of asking us if we had hats and sun cream we have been asked if we have our coats and wellies instead! We have enjoyed the fresh mistiness and it has given us more energy. The weather has been so different from last week.

We picked and
ate some lovely raspberries out of the garden. They were yummy.

This week we have travelled to Spain in our role play journey around the world. Miss Vincent pretended to take us on an aeroplane which really felt like it was taking off. We had our passports stamped with a map of Spain.
We have practised writing our names and have been mark making in shaving foam, mud and chalk.
Conker Sheep is back from Amber’s house and he now has a beautiful necklace. He is now on his way to Tilda’s

house. We really do enjoy listening to Conker Sheep’s adventures, thank you to everyone for taking such good care of him.

We have been trading Pokémon cards. We have been learning about swapping, counting and sharing. Miss Edwards brought in her special Pokémon encyclopaedia which we enjoyed looking through. Some of us know a lot about Pokémon.

The end of the week would not have been complete without a walk up the mountain. We went higher than we had ever been. We had a much needed snack among the beautiful wildflowers looking out across the fields and the clouds.

We saw sheep, cows, purple orchids and thistles. There were many other flowers too in all sorts of colours. Wilbur noticed that there were no more Iris flowers and we talked about them turning into seeds. We saw sheep in the distance that were so small that it looked like we could pick them up between our fingers. Of course, we spotted a few Pokémon!
All in all a fabulous week. We only have a few more weeks left now before the end of term so we are making the most of it!
See you at Sports Day!