Week commencing 2nd January 2018 - Lindfield.

Welcome back!
We hope you have all had a wonderful time over the festive period and we wish you all a very Happy New Year.
This week at The Acorns we have been settling the children back in after the holidays and have welcomed some new children.
We have enjoyed hearing about all of the wonderful gifts that Father Christmas brought.
“He gaved me a bike.”
“I got a scooter, a dark blue one.”
“I got paw patrol. I love paw patrol.”
“I got one hundred presents because I was on the good boy list.”
On Tuesday we found a big box that had puppets inside. We decided to make a puppet theatre and Mrs Davies treated us all to a show. It was about a sad rabbit who couldn’t find his friends - luckily the cheeky monkey and the rat helped him and they were all reunited. It was very funny and the children were rolling around laughing. Afterwards we all took turns to do shows for our friends using the puppets. The children were amazing and had lots of fun making up their own stories. This continued each day, with the puppets and stories changing daily.

All of our art work was taken down at the end of last term so each day we have been busy creating new pictures to put up around the nursery. We did shape printing, drew amazing self-portraits and made collage pictures with lots of sticky glue.

We spent lots of time in the garden. It’s been a windy and wet week but we still like to go outside. Please remember to pack us some spare clothes, welly boots and warm coats.

Our mud kitchen is VERY MUDDY at the moment, we have managed to make some amazing mud pies.

“Its all gooey.”
“Can you really eat it?”
“If you eat real life mud you will get poorly sickly and will have germs in your tum tum.”
On Thursday we decorated a cake that Mrs Irwin had bought for us. We made some runny chocolate icing and chose lots of different sprinkles to put on top. What a yummy treat!

On Friday we enjoyed playing with magnets, puzzles, the picnic set and puppet theatre. We did some drawing and made some wonderful things with play dough.
We read lots of stories and sang songs about the weather as we looked out of the window at the puddles in the garden.
“I needed my umbrella today.”
“It is a wet day.”
“Do you have wellies todays? I have red ones.”
What a fabulous week!
Have a great weekend everyone.