Westmeston - Destination France
This week has been a busy one with Pancake Day, World Book Day, celebrating Amar’s 3rd Birthday and the continuation of our round the world topic in France, we have barely paused all week.
The children have explored France by painting a picture in the style of Claude Monet. (Video on our social media pages), eating lots of yummy food, sharing’s books, looking at maps and riding our bikes pretending to be competing in the Tour de France. (Video on social media pages).
We have talked about the Eiffel Tower and had fun trying to build replicas with duplo.

The children painted or glued flags and could easily copy the pattern and identified the colours.

The children and Mrs Spencer had French lessons with Mrs Irwin, learning to count and sing the days of the week song. They also tried introducing themselves,

Bonjour Je m’appelle.......
At story time Mrs Irwin read the hungry caterpillar in French.

The children loved coming in dressed up for World Book Day and it was lovely to share favourite stories old and new. The costumes were fantastic and we really appreciate you getting involved. Thank you.

We are so lucky with our surroundings at Westmeston and always enjoy exploring. This week there has been lots to find including old conkers, huge pinecones, new trees, fungi, and big logs.

Have a lovely weekend. See you next week!