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Week commencing 20th May 2024 - Acorns 59

Hello everyone and welcome to our blog post.

We hope you enjoy reading about our week.


Our letter of the week is *Ee*

We tried hard to think of things that begin with the letter.

Here are a few suggestions from the children.






Eggloo  (like an igloo, but made of egg, not ice)


As usual, we practiced writing the letter on our white boards.

Amazing !

The Reception Teacher from Blackthorns came to visit to meet the children who will be going in September.

The children chatted happily to her during the visit.

She asked lots of questions about what they like and dislike, who they like to play with, what their favourite toys are etc.

We have 8 children going to Blackthorns this year!


We have done lots more planting this week with Mrs Drake. 

We all have our own plants to look after and will continue to check on them each day.

We know that we need to nurture and care for our plants to help them grow and become strong.

They need sunlight, water and healthy soil - but not too much sun or we could scorch them or too much water .... the children are keen to water them everyday but we have been learning to check the soil first to see if they actually need it or not.

Mrs Irwin has been left strict care instructions for the half term from the children.


All of the children have now caught up with our art project – everyone has a plant pot, seed and strong roots.

We used thread as the roots on our picture and talked to the children about how the roots act a bit like a straw to suck up all the nutrients and goodness in the soil and deliver it to the growing plant. Roots also anchor down the plant and help to keep it steady in its pot.

We know that roots grow down and shoots grow up.

We continue to learn our 2 new songs this term.

I dig my garden and the flower pot rock song.

We have enjoyed some music sessions, playing our instruments and our harmonicas.

We love experimenting with the sounds we can make.


Mrs Robertson made us a delicious lunch this week – Brazilian Hot Dogs.

They were delicious – very much enjoyed by everyone.

She even brought us some yummy ice cream.

Thank you Mrs Robertson.

Mrs Franks is in the process of creating the lunch menu for next term – Is there anything that you would like to see on our menu?

Please feel free to send in your suggestions.


We have enjoyed lots of time in the garden.

We have noticed that lots of things are beginning to grow.

It is so exciting watching the garden change over the seasons - there is always something new to look at.

We have a plum tree and an apple tree in the Acorns garden.

The plums are beginning to grow - we are trying to encourage the children not to pick them as last year we ended up with no plums at all left on the tree.

We had some special visitors.

Mrs Irwin's son and his family visited us from Texas.

The Acorns was originally set up when Tim was just a little boy.

It was lovely to show his children around and have them stay to play for a while.

We hope to see you all again soon.

The Acorns Quiz.

Mrs Irwin has been out on the lane taking photos again this week and look what she spotted?

Can you tell us what this is?


She also saw some work being done on the lane. What do you think is going on here?


 We hope you all have a fun, happy and healthy half term and look forward to seeing you soon.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog.

Mrs Franks and the Acorns 59 Team.


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