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Week commencing 20th February 2023 - Acorns 59

Welcome to our weekly blog post.

We hope that you have had a wonderful week.

It has been super busy at The Acorns this week.

We have enjoyed learning about Kindness and how by showing care and kindness we can spread some happiness.

Random Act of Kindness Day was during our half term, but we were keen to mark the occasion so the teachers planned some fun activities.

On Monday we delivered some very special treats around the village.

We popped into the Opticians, the Post Office and the GP Surgery and Toy Shop to deliver some beautiful handmade cards, flowers and chocolate treats.

We talked about how the people who work in the shops in the village work very hard and how it is nice to show some appreciation.

We also handed out some flowers on the High Street and hoped it would make people smile.

We were keen for the children to know that there are many ways to show kindness – it doesn’t need to be a physical gift so we spoke a lot about how a smile can spread around the world.

Smile – by Spike Milligan

Smiling is infectious

You catch it like the flu

When someone smiled at me today

I smarted started smiling too

I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin

When he smiled I realised

I has passed it on to him

I thought about that smile

Then I realised its worth

A single smile, just like mine

Could travel around the earth

So if you feel a smile begin

Don't leave it undetected

Let's start an epidemic quick and get the world infected !

When we go out on our walks we like to say Good Morning and Hello to the people we pass by, we noticed how everyone likes to stop and chat and that they all smile and wave happily to us.

We thought about kindness and how we can be kind to strangers, kind to each other, kind to ourselves, kind to our toys and equipment and kind to our environment.

We decided to go litter picking on our lane – showing our local environment some care.

Off we went, armed with a big bin bag and some gloves to hunt for litter.

Luckily, there wasn’t too much on the lane but we did find a few bits.

Snack wrappers, crumpled paper, an empty can, some string and some plastic bottles.

We used this opportunity to talk to the children about the different bins we have at The Acorns and how some things can be recycled and made into other things.

When we got back to The Acorns we played a special game which helped us to recognise the difference between the rubbish we had collected.

We met some lovely ladies on our walk, they live in The Glebe and often see us on our journeys. They stopped to ask what we were doing and were delighted to hear that we were learning about looking after our local area. One of the ladies showed us her magic garage door which opened and closed all by itself – WOW !

One told us that her children, who are grown ups now came to The Acorns when they were small. Her children couldn’t quite get Mrs Irwin's name right and used to call her Mrs Earwig. We thought that was hilarious !!

One of the ladies said in the summer she would invite us in for a drink and a biscuit and that we could play in her garden. How very kind !

We were kind to ourselves and to our friends this week too – remembering The Acorns Rules.

· Kind Hands

· Kind Feet

· Kind Words

We did some yoga and practiced some deep breathing – giving our bodies time to relax and rest.

We celebrated Pancake Day this week too.

Have you ever seen such a giant stack of pancakes?

What do you like to have on your pancakes?

Lemon and sugar?


Jam ?

We had fun playing in the tuff spot - making our own pancakes and flipping them high into the air.

A group of children helped Mrs Irwin to bake a birthday cake.

They measured ingredients, cracked egg and mixed together the cake batter. What a team !

She celebrated her birthday during half term.

We all sang to her and enjoyed a slice of cake after lunch.

Delicious !

We had lots of fun this week – here are a few more photos of what we have been doing.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about our week and we would love for you to leave us a little comment.

If at ay time, you would like to change your photo preferences then please speak to Mrs Franks.

Do you follow us on all of our socials?

Insta - @theacornssussex

Face Book - The Acorns Nursery and Forest School (Open group – can be seen by everyone)

Facebook - Acorns Family (Private Group – Permission to join required, please answer the group questions)

Have a brilliant weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.

Our focus will be Wildlife.


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