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Week commencing 24th June 2019 - Lindfield.

What a glorious week !

We have had so much fun this week at The Acorns.

All week we have been planting cress seeds with the children.

We decorated a yogurt pot by drawing a picture of ourselves on the front. We then stuffed the pot with kitchen roll, filled it with water and sprinkled on our seeds.

The cress should only take a few days to grow.

The children took their pots home and they know to put them somewhere where they can get plenty of sunlight. We suggested on a window sill, perhaps in the kitchen.

The children told us they would water their seeds every morning and every night before bed.

We are excited to see what happens to the seeds over the weekend.

We would love you to share a picture of your cress on our Facebook page.

We have also been busy with arts and crafts this week ....

Painting, printing,drawing, snipping and collage.

We spent a lot of time in the garden and had fun splashing in the water tray.

It was a great way to keep cool.

We also played with sand ...

We played games together and did puzzles together, in small groups and pairs.

We had to listen carefully to the instructions and try hard to remember the rules.

We sorted the animals out into sets.

All the small ones together, the medium ones and the big ones together. It was quite tricky.

We had a tennis session at Plumpton Tennis Club where the children practised their bat and ball skills.

They were excited to 'walk the dog' & 'trap the ball'

The tennis session was a great success and the children came back with beaming smiles and were full of stories to share.

We have been intrigued to see the baby ladybirds on the apple tree and sage leaves. We had no idea that lady birds go through a transformation stage, similar to a caterpillar.

We have seen the larvae stage and the pupae stage this week.

Take a look at the link above to see the 4 stages.

We enjoyed seeing lots of other bugs and mini beasts too.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Enjoy the sunshine and stay safe.

Please remember to pack your child a named sun hat and cream next week.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog, we hope you enjoy it and we look forward to your comments.

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