Week Beginning 4th February - Westmeston
Last week we had snow, but this week we had rain and wind....and lots of it! We certainly got lots of practise of putting our wet weather clothing on and taking it off.
On Monday and Tuesday we learnt all about Chinese New Year. We read the story of the animal race and found out how Chinese people celebrate this special time of year. Mrs Butcher showed us some pictures and souvenirs from her time in China.
We had fun making lanterns and using scissors to investigate cutting along lines. Holding the scissors correctly was a challenge, but we had a really good go. We also used stamps and paint to print Chinese patterns.
The rain didn't stop us having lots of fun outside. We found lots of muddy puddles to splash in and make 'soup'.
It was good to have a dry, cosy hall to come back in to. Inside, we enjoyed doing puzzles, building and reading with our friends. Our role play area this week was a home corner with play food, an oven and cleaning equipment. We all practised our cleaning skills so that we can help out at home!
Miss Vincent introduced us to a fantastic Spanish Bingo game. We had to listen and pay attention really carefully so that we knew when to shout 'Bingo!!'
Matilda bought in her special book for us to see. It was lovely to see the wonderful activities she had been up to at home with her friends and family.
The sun shone for us on Thursday and we made the most of the weather, playing with balls, jumping ditches and making some excellent leaf cakes.
On Friday, the wind and rain was at its worst so we weren't able to go on our usual walk, but that didn't stop us from having fun in the wind outside. We kept a close eye on the trees around the hall to make sure that no branches would come down.
Mrs Booth had the great idea of making plastic bag kites. We investigated which way we had to stand to catch the wind so that our kites would fly. Although the wind was howling, we still managed to build some dens. They need securing tightly though and we worked hard to find the best way to do this.
The wind and rain got worse throughout the day, so we had fun inside baking biscuits, playing games and doing puzzles. Mrs Tubb even got us doing some very silly races in the the hall.
We wonder what the weather will bring us next week. As long as we have plenty of warm, spare clothes, we know we can have fun in wind, snow or rain!