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Week commencing 4th February 2019 - Lindfield.

Stay and Play Week.

It was lovely to have you here and for you to join in with our free play, crafts and carpet times. We hope you enjoyed your time with us.

Please remember that we have an open door policy at The Acorns and that you are always welcome to stay and play or to pop in during the day to see what we are up to. On Monday we enjoyed free painting, we used bright colours and painted some amazing pictures that are now hanging up around the nursery.

We read lots of stories and had fun dressing up and playing with the picnic set. It’s been a firm favourite this week.

Thank you to everyone who brought in a special book to share this week.

We practised our name writing – we are holding our pencils correctly and tracing over the letters in our names. We are learning how to form the letters properly.