Week Commencing 4th September - Westmeston

Welcome back everybody! It has been lovely seeing everyone again and getting into a routine. We have enjoyed welcoming lots of new faces too.
We have had mixed weather this week and we are really beginning to feel that Autumn is not far off. We have observed leaves changing colour and falling onto the ground. We have seen lots of colours in the hedgerows from juicy black berries that we can pick and eat to the bright reds of the

honeysuckle berries and yew that we cannot pick or eat. So much colour! We have been collecting conkers and breaking open the prickly green cases to get the treasure inside! Our bags have been getting very heavy as we count them in! Mrs Butcher says that if you put conkers on your window sill it will keep the spiders away!
We have had such a busy first week back. We have been scooting in the sunshine and scooting in

the rain! We have been building dens and were absolutely delighted to find lots of mud! Thank goodness we had wet weather outdoor clothes and welly boots – all named of course!

We have been listening to scary stories and pretending to be lions! Outside we made hand print art with mud and we have been playing i
n the mud kitchen. Inside we used paint! We were so excited to find so many sticks that looked like letters. Lochy found a “Y” which he knew came at the end of his name.

On Friday we used the carrier bags destined for collecting treasures as kites. They filled with wind as we ran, the wind was lighter than the conkers.
Our teachers have been very pleased to see so many of
us wearing our uniforms. We look so smart and can be easily spotted when we are out and about! It is also pleasing to see that so many items of clothing are named! Very useful for when we turn everything out of bags to look for a spare pair of socks!

Next week we will be starting the Reading Scheme again so please help us to remember to bring our reading folders in. The focus will be on PSED, Self Confidence and Self Awareness. Please don’t forget to bring in the All About Me forms if you haven’t already done so. It helps our teachers to keep up to date with any changes.
Finally, Conker Sheep had such a fantastic summer holiday at Mrs Butcher’s house. He went to Scotland and he went horse riding! Lucky Conker Sheep! This weekend he has gone home with Mrs Hilton. We can’t wait to see what he has done!
See you next week!