Week commencing 12th June 2017 - Lindfield.

This week we have been focusing on Expressive Arts and Design – Media and Materials.
We have offered many opportunities for the children to express themselves through art activities, construction and design.
On Monday some of the children went for a lovely long walk, they walked through the high street and onto the common.
Mrs Booth had packed a special activity for them.
The children were given a piece of clay to work with and were free to choose things from around the park to decorate their models. Some children chose to make faces, using tiny twigs, stones and flowers.

The models were amazing!

Mrs Booth and Miss Whale thought it would be tricky to get the models back to Acorns so the children found a secret hiding spot in the trees to hide their models. They wondered if they would still be there next week or if anyone would find them. If you visit the park at the common keep your eyes peeled!!

The children who stayed at The Acorns enjoyed box modelling and time in the garden. Thank you to everyone who has brought in junk for us to use.
On Tuesday we enjoyed lots of time in the garden. Sand and water play, stories in the shade and fun adventures on the pirate ship.
On Wednesday we had a very exciting visitor. A coach from Little Kickers came to give the children a football session. It was so much fun, the children were super stars! They listened well to the coach and followed his instructions. He taught the children how to control a ball, to weave in and out of cones and of course how to score goals and celebrate. Lots of high fives were given and the children all got a sticker.

On Thursday some children went out for an early walk - they went to the park at Pickers Green and enjoyed time on the play equipment and swings.
The children who stayed at The Acorns were busy building with stickle bricks, blocks and other construction toys. They made some fabulous sculptures and models.

On Friday we enjoyed lots of time in the garden. Its been a very hot week. The children have been arriving with sun-cream on and we reapply throughout the day.
Please make sure that you bring in a named sun hat and that the children are suitably dressed for the hot weather. We ask that the children wear a t-shirt with their shoulders covered.
We read stories outside, painted with water on the benches and slabs, made muddy food in the mud kitchen and role played in the play house.
All throughout the week we were busy making cards for Father’s Day.
The children were excited to tell us why their Dad was special.
“My Dad is great because he is stronger than batman.”
“My Daddy is the best because he tickles my feet.”
“My Dad reads me stories at bedtime.”
“My Daddy is funny."