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Westmeston Blog - Oceans Week

This week we have been exploring the Ocean.

We talked about the creatures that live in the Ocean, trips to the seaside, and the importance of keeping the Oceans healthy.

The children suggested ways we could look after the Oceans by walking instead of driving, recycling and very importantly putting our rubbish in the bin. The children went on a rubbish hunt around the Westmeston Garden and during our Friday walk. They were fantastic at spotting even the tiniest speck of rubbish, the teachers then collected it and we put it safely in the rubbish bin. Well Done Acorns Team!

The children have enjoyed lots of water play. Water play is a great way to spark imagination and creativity and a brilliant way to encourage investigation. Water also helps to increase motor skills and hand eye coordination.

The children have loved talking about the animals and where they live, about the creatures they have seen at the beach, about how the crabs move and about jellyfish with their powerful sting.

We have continued with the theme and also introduced some sand play this week. Children filled and emptied containers, made sandcastles and pancakes and enjoyed the texture of the sand.

We always try and incorporate our topics in to all aspects of nursery life, so this week the children made sea creature wraps for lunch. They looked at the patterns Mrs Irwin had made with the fruit and vegetables and tried to make their own patterns and sea creatures.

"It looks like a humpback whale"

" It's an octopus"

"It’s a shark"

We have enjoyed singing too, especially Baby Shark Doo Doo and 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive.

The children have also made some great jelly fish crafts that theythoroughly enjoyed in the garden, the wind making their tentacles fly.

We enjoyed some number puzzles and counting with shells. Children identifying that a written numeral and the amount are the same, is a key skill that helps their understanding with future mathematics. Here at Acorns we count everything from leaves and sticks to friends. This week shells were the choice.

Friday a new walk led us along a very muddy track and through a meadow before back to the familiarity of the drive to Middleton Manor.

After all the fun this week, a trip to the seaside or aquarium might be in order......


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