Week commencing 1st February 2021 - Lindfield.

Welcome to our blog post
This week our focus has been Literacy – Reading.
We have enjoyed reading many books this week – including some that the children brought in from home.
We read books everyday at The Acorns during circle times, 1:1 reading and in our quiet time.
Mrs Irwin has a huge selection of children's books. We think she may have more books than an actual library!
If you would ever like to borrow some books from The Acorns please feel free to ask.
Once your child turns 3 we invite them to join our reading scheme.
Please chat to Mrs Franks if you are interested in this and not already in the scheme.

The children have been learning that the person who writes the book is called the Author and that the person who draws the pictures is called the Illustrator.
Each time you read with your child you could follow up our nursery learning by mentioning both the roles.
We have spoken about local authors & illustrators.
Tom Mackewn is an amazing local Author & Illustrator who won the Lindfield Arts Festival Bursary in 2018.
He is a friend of ours at The Acorns and we had the pleasure of looking after his little boy a few years ago.
We would love you to pop over to his website to take a look.
We noticed that we can read lots of things, not just books.
We can read signs, ingredients, posters, word games, rules, packets, our names …
Words are all around us.
We have also been practising our writing this week.
We did some tracing and some free writing.

We enjoyed using the salt tray too to practise our letter writing.

This is a great activity to try at home – you could use a baking tray and fill it with flour or salt. The children can make marks using their fingers or a pencil and then with a little shake of the tray the marks magically disappear!

We have had lots of fun in the garden this week exploring the changes that the season has brought.
We have noticed that snow drops have grown and that the daffodils are getting ready to bloom.

We also found a really pretty flower with bright purple petals.

The slide has been a firm favourite this week.
The children love to go zooming down with their hands in the air.

We built nests in the mud kitchen and also went digging for treasures.

Niya brought in something special to show her friends and kindly let everyone have a turn.
Great sharing Niya!

We celebrated Rowans birthday and he brought in some yummy pumpkin pies for everyone to share. Thank you Rowan and Happy Birthday!
Here are just a few more photos ...

We hope everyone has had a super week.
We look forward to more fun and games after the weekend.
Stay safe everyone!!