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Week commencing 20th January 2020 - Lindfield.

Welcome to this week's blog post.

We hope you have had a great week, we certainly have.

We enjoyed lots of fun adventures and did lots of experiments this week.

We explored shaving foam which was spread out on our table. It felt so soft and squidgy.

"It's like snow Mrs Franks!"

"It smells like my Daddy."

"Can I take it home?"

Jane came to help us make some clay models.

We made something rather special.

Here are a few clues ...

His eyes are orange, his tongue is black and hes got purple prickles all over his back.

Can you guess what we made?

We enjoyed a walk around the village.

We were real life mini explorers and found lots of interesting things.

We visited the ducks at the duck pond and we saw a moorhen too.

We watched some people working hard at their allotments and we spoke to a nice gentleman who told us what he was growing.

He was glad that the weather had dried up a bit as his allotment was getting quite soggy when we had the heavy rain.

We spotted a few interesting things during our walk.

Someone must have one cold hand as we found a batman glove!

We enjoyed time in the garden,

Andy, our carpenter came to check our garden equipment this week to make sure it is still safe for us to use.

Good news! Everything is fine.

We got to watch Andy working and heard him use his power tools!!

We spent some time building camps this week, mostly under the kitchen table.

It was fun to drag all the cushions from the lounge into the den and make comfortable little beds for us to lie on.

We read stories in our camp and brought some toys in too.

One of our favourite toys at The Acorns is the magnetic shapes. We ask to play with them most days and can build some amazing structures.

Check this out ...

On Thursday, Tommy's mum told us that she was going to make fortune cookies over the weekend.

We decided that we would like to try it too.

So on Friday we gave it a go ...

Well, What can we say ?

It didn't go as planned and the first batch of cookies were quite cakey and far too thick, the second batch were VERY crispy and snapped when we tried to fold them.

We are excited to see how Tommy's turn out. Perhaps, if they are more successful than ours we will invite mum in to help us.

We will do some research and maybe try again another time.

We talked about Chinese New Year and how this is going to be the year of the Rat.

Some of the children made lanterns to take home.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

We look forward to more fun and games next week.

Please remember that on Thursday evening it is "An open forum with Janet Irwin" at The Acorns in Lindfield - 8pm.

All welcome to come along to discuss any aspect of Early Years.

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