Week commencing November 11th - Westmeston
We started the week off on Remembrance Day which we marked by decorating Remembrance poems with printed poppies. We talked about the significance of the day and why it is important.

This week we have been focusing on reading. We made our own books and some of us narrated stories to Mrs Tubb and Mrs Spencer which they wrote down in for us.

This year is the 50th anniversary of The Hungry Caterpillar and we celebrated by using our story sack for the book. We read the story and acted it out with the characters and props. We practised our counting and colours as we picked out the food items from the bowl.

After reading the story, we pretended to be hungry caterpillars by munching on paper fruits with hole punchers.

Outside, we have had fun with the mud kitchen making leafy mud pies and cooking up some muddy 'chocolate' delights.

Look at the muddy mark making we did using our boots, bikes and scooters.

The leaves on the ground of our garden are fantastic for all sorts of imaginative play. We raked them into big piles and enjoyed jumping in them and throwing leaves in the air. We also created a construction site using trucks and diggers to transport leaves and create roads.
"This road is closed."
"We need the trolley to move these." "Here it is."
"We need more leaves. Let's go!"
"Leaf delivery!"

As we were playing, we noticed a friendly robin hopping from branch to branch, watching us.
"Maybe he wants a worm."
"Let's be quiet and still. How close will he get?"
On Friday, we had a great time doing some camping indoors! We had tents, a BBQ, camping chairs and some pretend food. All we were missing was some sunshine! The tents were a good cosy spot for anyone who fancied a lie down. We also made our own Polar Express Train using tables and blankets. You were only allowed on board with a ticket, which had to be checked and hole punched by the very efficient guard!

The autumnal colours looked spectacular on our walk through the woods. We were given the challenge of completing a scavenger hunt and had to find - a yellow leaf, a conker, something bumpy, a leaf with two colours and something interesting. We all had our own collection bags which lots of us filled with autumnal treasure.

The rain arrived in the afternoon, but it didn't dampen our spirits - some of us played outside until it was nearly dark!

What a fun week. Please remember to pack plenty of warm clothes for us, including hats and gloves, now that the weather is colder.